
Aroma Catering



Monday - Saturday: 08:00 A.M. - 16:00 P.M.

Sunday: 09:00 A.M. - 15:00 P.M.

Our History

Aroma Catering

Welcome Aroma Catering

I, Rukiye Demir, owner of the restaurant, operate this restaurant with my sister Gülhat Demır in order to offer you the traditional tastes of the Turkish cuisine.

Of course, our chef is the element that makes a difference in our restaurant in a traditional and sincere atmosphere. Chef Gülhat Demir works at this restaurant to offer you unforgottable tastes based on her long experience.

Our Chef has a very long experience indeed and she acquired her cooking perspectives form famous chefs that she worked with. She worked as the chef cook in the  restaurant of several gastronomy cities including Antep, Urfa and Hatay. After tasting her foods, the guests were very fascinated with the foods and became regular customer. The reason for it include, addition to the skills of our chef, the use of fresh and natural ingrediants including meat, vegetable and spices while the ingredients are selcted by our chef in person. We embrance this princible as a vision of restaurant.

We welcome you again to this sincere and tasteful world that we built.

Rukiye Demir and Gülhat Demir.

Exquisite cuisine

come visit us for amazing tastes

come visit us for amazing tastes

From the menu

Special offers

For your special day

exceptional catering services

exceptional catering services

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